The Group Project

Outline of The Proposal
Each group will be given a brief outline at the beginning of the program, and will use time during sessions, as well as outside of these sessions when needed, to develop these projects into the teams Proposal. The girls will present the business proposals they have worked on to a panel of judges at the completion of the program. They may have a chance to win sponsorship from patrons to execute their Proposal if they fulfill all of the criteria!
This year, Polaris will be including in the program a special year-long project for all participants as part of our leadership program. It is called 'The Proposal'. The aim of this project, is to help the girls to directly apply and develop the leadership and teamwork skills they learn during each monthly session. This is an exciting opportunity for the girls to take ownership over a project of interest, and use the skills they learn to produce a Proposal to help different communities.